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Mori Lab NEWS!!
September 2023,
Both Aki and Yuko won one of the most challenging fellowships, JSPS oversee fellowship, in Japan!
Super congratulations, guys!!!!
August 2023.
Mooney tried to present the research accomplishment at the Gordon conference. However, he failed it because he was sick with food poisoning during the conference.
Will be more careful with the raw chicken!
August 2023.
Jun finished his studying abroad in the USA.
Many thanks to Jun!! We will keep in touch!
May 2023.
Yuri joined Mori Lab. Welcome to Mori Lab!
May 2023.
Aki & and Youngmin were selected for the oral talk in the Postdoc festivals Medicine Ground rounds at the CUIMC.
Great works! Congratulations!!!
May 2023.
All first-generation Mori Lab postdocs presented their accomplishments on the postdoc research day.
Excellent work, guys!
April 2023.
Mooney in Japan to present the research accomplishment at the Japanese respiratory conference.
April 2023.
Dai joined Mori Lab. Welcome to Mori Lab~
February 2023.
Dai won the fellowship of the Toyobo Biotechnology Foundation. Great job! Congratulations!!!
February 2023.
Hemanta's farewell party. We will miss you & good luck!!
January 2023.
Hemanta's review paper was accepted in the Frontiers.
November 2022.
Yuri won the fellowship of the Uehara Memorial Foundation. Big Congratulations!
October 2022.
Sherlly joined Mori Lab! Welcome to Mori Lab!
October 2022.
Mori lab team found the potential airway epithelial cell phenotype in response to Plasma Cluster Ions as a collaborative work with SHARP company. Well done, my teams! Particularly great work, Youngmin!
Please also find out about the accomplishment of our collaborator, Dr. Tsuji!
July 2022.
Shreya joined Mori Lab!
The CCHD center and associated members received the S10 grants for Stellaris Leica confocal microscopy. Big congrats!!
Febrary 2022
Shymaa joined Mori Lab
November 2021.
Mooney received the RX1 bioprinter company award.
Big congrats!!
November 2021.
Aki received the Uehara foundation. Big congrats!!
September 2021.
Jun received the Uehara foundation. Big congrats!!
September 2021.
Jun, a postdoc, joined Mori lab.
August 2021.
Zurab, a chief tech, participated in Mori lab.
July 2021.
Big congrats to Jun!! He won the Research Fellowship of The Uehara Memorial Foundation for studying abroad!
June 2021.
Mooney received the SHARP company award. Big congrats!!
May 2021.
Stacey, a research tech, joined Mori lab.
April 2021.
Tat's leaving from Mori lab. Tat could join only for half of a year but contributed tremendously to Mori's lab. We will miss you! Good luck with his future life, and we will meet again!
February 2021.
Rose's promotion to the core staff specialist in the CSCI (Columbia Stem Cell Core). Congratulations! Thank you for all of your support for our lab set-up and experiments. We sincerely appreciate it. Good luck with your life and we will miss you a lot!!
October 2020.
Aki and Tat arrived in the USA and started to join Mori Lab! Welcome to our home!
Big congrats to Aki!! He won the Research Fellowship for Young Scientists from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS):
Overseas Challenge Program for Young Researchers
November 2020.
Yuko and Hemanta started to join Mori Lab!
Welcome to NY!
We are ramping up.
Folks, be patient, and stay safe.
Our lab ramps down by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Folks, stay safe.
Our lab will fight against this life-threatening disease.
Two postdoc positions are available in Dr. Mori's lab.
Your story goes here. See the detail.
-updates: 2020.11. The positions are filled.
Mooney won DoD awards! Exceptional performance!
November 18th. 2019. Press release and news of our accomplishments in Japan.
November 7th. 2019.
Press release of our paper.
November 7th 2019.
Mori et al., Nature Medicine, 2019, in press.
Rose joined in Mori's lab!
10.01. 2019.
Mori lab officially starts! This is just the beginning.
Mooney received the prestigious NIH (NHLBI) award, RO1 (PI: Mori). Congratulations!!!!!!
Mooney received the prestigious DoD award (PI: Mori)
Mooney starts a collaboration with Hiro.
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