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No joy without you. Thank you for sharing your life with me! Cheers!
2023. summer. Congratulations on the prestigious JSPS oversee fellowship,
Aki and Yuko!
2023. summer. Yes, aging more! Thank you, guys!
2023. Agust. Before & after of tough Gordon Conference! Thank you so much for saving my life, Take!
2023. July. Jun's farewell party. We miss you here!!!!
2023. Spring. The beginning of the new season!
2023. June. Dai & Yuri welcome and Jun's farewell BBQ with Cardoso lab.
But... we got heavy rain in the middle...! We will revenge this event!
2023. May. Aki & Youmgmin was selected for the oral talk of Medicine Ground at CUMC! Beautiful work, guys!
2023. May. Yuri came from my hometown, Gunma to join Mori Lab!
Welcome to the new home!
2023. May. Jun Wu's visit to NY! Welcome to the NY frenzy!
2023. Spring. Miss all of you guys in Japan!
2023. May. Columbia Univ. Postdoc day! All postdocs presented our exciting studies!
2023. April. Dai joined Mori Lab. Let's make it happen!
2022. Winter. Takuya's farewell party! Good luck with your new endeavor, Takuya! Will meet again!
2022. Winter. Thanks giving party with Cardoso & Masako lab!
2022. Winter. Hemanta's new journey...! Good luck with his new adventure!
Will miss you!
2022. Autumn. Sherlly joined Mori's lab! Welcome to the excitement!
2022. November. Dr. Sasagawa's visit from Nara Institute of Science and Technology in Japan. Inspiring work! Will meet again!
2022. Autumn. Yes! Now we are getting there! Let's keep going!
2022. summer. Great memories in the FASEB meeting!
Great work, Aki and Yuko!
2022. summer. ROSE Good luck, party! We will meet again!
2022. post-COVID summer. My dream come true!
Mori lab, Cardoso lab, Masako lab BBQ party!
2022. spring. The new wave of Mori lab members!
2021. winter. Thank you for your hard work every day, guys!
Chimera turducken!
2021. summer. Here we are for the lung generation!
2021. summer. Mothra was created! Beautiful confocal image!
We need Godzilla, too.
2021. summer New members (Stacey, Zurab, and Jun) joined Mori lab!
2021. April Tat's leaving... you are the best! We will meet again!
2021. 4.17. Tat's farewell BBQ party.
2021. February Snowstorm buried NY & NJ in the deep snow!
2021. 1.29. Rose's farewell and happy new year party! Thank you so much, Rose and we will meet you again! Happy new year!
2021. January Happy New Year! No more COVID-19!
2020. November & December, More fun with new members! Welcome to NY, Yuk and Hemanta!
2020. October The arrival of Aki and Tat on Halloween season!
2020. 08.14. Seasoning the special summer in the COVID-19 era!
2020. July. Welcome to Mori Lab in NY, Youngmin!
2020. June. We ramp-up our lab and trying to get back our ordinary science!
2020. 03.17. Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. We will get back our life no matter what!
2020. 02.20. The memorial day for Anri!
2019. October. Dr. Mori has his own office! Now Mori Lab is ready!
2019. The short vacation in Japan. Thank you for sharing your precious time with me and for celebrating my future with me. Your spirit is on me.
2019. 06. Mayu's farewell party
2016 summer. The short stay in Hiro's lab! Great time!
2014. A short vacation in Japan. Thank you for taking the time with me.
2014. We got drunk to fight against the scientific world! Nomi-nucation!
2014.4.10. Team horse!! I believe that we will re-unit again!
2012. THE movement to NY with my good friend. We miss you!
2012. Lunch with initial CReM members! I miss you guys so much! Cheers!
2012. Home party at Mooney's house in Boston with JED, Bob's family, and Wellington!
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